Canvasas exploring the emotional landscape experienced by looking back and looking forward, while anchoring in the present. A personal trio of paintings pairing bright pastels and quiet neutrals. Stories integrated through paint of what is, what was, and what remains after the silt that was stirred up settles, the water laps gently, and all becomes still.
Wholehearted canvases documenting seasons of transition sustained through both contemplation and action. Inner dialogue merging with outer expression through the complexity of layered paint. Windows of clarity and intriguing compositions across a breadth of work exploring energy and empowerment.

Staying grounded and open - continually inquiring what moves me - I use those whispers as motivation. Incorporating mantra, lines of poetry, or simple affirmations creates a foundation of themes, emotions, and ideas layered in paint.
This process is a life philosophy - a repeated invitation to be curious, to listen, to allow, and to release.
And through these choices, the truth of ourselves is revealed with vibrant authenticity.